AdRotate is the only advert manager you’ll ever need if you are looking for an easy to use dashboard to manage all your ads and affiliate campaigns. AdRotate is easy to set up, easy to use and is built for your website and theme.
AdRotate is designed to be simple to use, yet offers a set of powerful features for newcomers and experienced users alike. Manage your ads and banners like a professional.
With AdRotate it’s easy to set up your own ads and campaigns with standard HTML and/or Javascript code or use ads from your favorite Ad Server such as, Blind Ferret, Yahoo! ads, DFP, Google AdSense, Google Ad Manager, Bing Ads, Amazon Affiliates, Chitika, Doubleclick, JuiceAds and many more similar ad servers and affiliate programs.
Some of the AdRotate Features
- Works with any advert
- Place your advert campaigns anywhere on your site
- Easily manage ads
- Easily manage Groups for ads
- Easily manage Assets and media
- Track clicks, impressions and calculate the Cick-Through-Rate (CTR)
- Disguise ads from ad blockers so they’re less likely to be blocked
- Automagically disable Ads after they expire
- Use shortcodes anywhere they are supported in WordPress
- Place widgets for single ads or groups of ads
- Insert PHP snippets in your theme files to put ads anywhere on your site
- Dashboard and Email notifications when ads are about to expire or need attention
- Easily set up groups of ads in a grid, column or row
- Preview ads when editing
- Advert statistics
- Automatically delete short running ads and stats after they expire
- Advertisers can add/edit/manage their own ads
- Geo Targeting for every country and city
- Mobile ads
- Portable ads
- Export statistics to CSV files
- Compatible with ClassicPress
AdRotate and AdRotate Professional share many features. But some features are exclusively available in AdRotate Professional. Learn more about AdRotate Professional on my website.
- English (default)
- German
- Spanish
- French
- Dutch
- Italian
- Other translations available are provided by the community