Cobian – Business WordPress Theme


Easy Digital Downloads, Gravity Forms, Visual Composer 5.1.x, Visual Composer 4.12.x, WooCommerce 5.1.x, WooCommerce 5.0.x, WooCommerce 4.9.x, WooCommerce 4.8.x, WooCommerce 4.7.x, WooCommerce 4.6.x, WooCommerce 4.5.x, WooCommerce 4.4.x, WooCommerce 4.3.x, WPBakery Page Builder 6.1.x, WPBakery Page Builder 6.0.x, WPBakery Page Builder 5.7.x, WPBakery Page Builder 5.6.x, WPBakery Page Builder 5.5.x, WPBakery Page Builder 5.4.x, WPML, Bootstrap 4.x

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Cobian – Responsive Multipurpose Multipage WordPress Flat and Modern Landing Page Theme

Cobian is a WordPress theme for your all marketing websites with a complete features and WordPress theme capabilities. You can create unlimited onepage and multipage layouts with WPBakery Page Builder and control/change every theme part as logo menu footer and others. Cobian is multipurpose flat landing page theme and included a lot of features to build modern websites. You can use Cobian theme for marketing, digital, company, seo, social media, digital marketing agency, seo marketing, web design agency, startup, mobile app and other website sectors.

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How To Use

With the use of WPBAKERY Page Builder shortcode elements, this theme makes you able to build unlimited and unique pages very easily. All the components such as Logo, Menu, Sidebar etc. are built specifically for the theme and you can easily control those components hide or remove them completely in Theme Options without any other codes required. You can quickly edit pre-made pages that come with Oneclick Import. Thanks to the functional options included into the sections, you can hide /remove any unwanted elements. You will receive 7/24 support from our dedicated Support Team, which is at the 5 star level ( ) in case any assistance is required.


The appeal of a design when you build a website might not mean everything because when we purchase a product, one of the most important issues is Customer Support. No matter how good it looks, you may have to give up on a product if you do not receive a good customer support service. You will be fully refunded if there are bugs that cannot be resolved ( which never happened so far ), while using our templates to enpower your website or we will provide any of our WordPress themes you want from our Themeforest profile for free.


We add every possible options that you request for the theme and also we update our themes immediately if there is a reported bugs. All you have to do to update your theme is to click on a button and then the update is automatically installed on your server. The theme supports WP 3.0+ and all later versions. We follow regularly the WordPress updates and we update the important codes that need to be updated, accordingly.

WordPress 5.0+ & Gutenberg

With the latest major update from the WordPress team, there might be some trouble with the usege of WPBAKERY Visual Composer in most of the websites. We’ve checked all our themes and we resolved those issues that come with the current version of WordPress. Besides, Our dedicated support team will be happy to help you if you have problems with WP 5.0.

Customer Satisfaction

Our team (10th level Elite Author), which has sold 11,000+ products to 7500+ customers, has succeed to get 5 stars from almost all of our customers reviews, especially since the last 3 years. One of the most important issues we learned in our 12 years of business experience in this sector has been to keep our customers’ satisfaction higher and everything including small customizations is always free! We are looking forward to seeing you in our big family with our experienced developers and support team in the WordPress field for years.

Who Can Use

You can use this theme for Creative, Business, Portfolio Showcase, Technology, Landing Page and other categories. Thanks to the advanced theme options, you can control all colors and fonts and build your desired typography and color schemes. We add hundreds of features so you don’t need to use any additional plugins in almost all of our themes and also, you can build a onepage page style on a multipage website.

What The Theme Includes ?

WPBakery Visual Composer

You can create unlimited page structures with more than 40 shortcodes and perfect grid control system in all pages, posts and Custom Post Types. You can handle all your problems without a code knowledge is required, thanks to the hundreds of additional features added by our team, especially for the space issues on mobile devices.

Theme Options

Thanks to the control panel that created with Redux or Option Tree, you can control everything like preloader, gototop logo, menu, colors, the general layout of the theme, footer, page structures and sidebar on the inner pages etc. You can also edit any page structure with available controls on the headings and structures of all internal pages such as 404, search and archive pages.


With the help of metabox plugins that integrated into the theme, you can make specific definitions per page such as adding unique menus and background images and also this theme makes you enable to apply any css codes to your website’s header-footer areas such as special colors, spaces, height etc.

Revolution Slider

You can use a slider which is prepared with eye-catching animations anywhere on your website or you can use hundreds of ready-made demos that already come with the plugin. You are one step ahead, if you got your visitor’s attention!

Envato Theme Update Toolkit

Thanks to your Envato API, you won’t have to follow the changelog or or any updates because when we release an update for the theme, you will see a notification on your website’s control panel and update your theme with one click. Yes it is as simple as updating the plugins.


You can use the Google Webfonts list unlimitedly through the Theme Options panel and you can use the Google Webfonts list unlimitedly through the Theme Options panel and change all of the typographic details of the design by defining the fonts and features of elements such as body – H1-H6 – p.

Design Editor

Thanks to the shortcodes of the theme and powerful design options added to the Theme Options panel, you can change everything from colors to spaces without the need for coding information without the coding knowledge is required. Besides, if you want to change the comprehensive elements without coding knowledge, our customer support will help you for free.


When you need an e-commerce system based on a WordPress infrastructure on your website, you can prepare it in minutes with WooCommerce. All our themes work well with WooCommerce and are fully compatible with WooCommerce plugins.

Code Quality

All of our themes have been reviewed by the Envato team in details and receive high scores from all performance tests such as Validator, Pingdom, PageSpeed and it provides you with important advantages in SEO. When you want to make some editions, you’ll easily be able to apply your changes without getting lost between perfectly organized files and codes.

Page Layouts

You can use the left, right sidebar and full width options in page and post layouts, and you can make unique editional on each page and post. This theme easily enables you to create any page you imagine of, using the features we’ve added to create Onepage and Multipage pages styles.

Theme and Plugin Updates

The theme comes with a plugin that is integrated into the Envato API and includes free lifetime updates. In case you want to update paid plugins, you will be able to download and install the latest versions of the paid plugins such as WPBakery Visual Composer or Revolution Slider from our server.


You can use any important font icon families such as Font Awesome anywhere you want with the customizable inputs. After downloading Child Theme or icon plugins and integrate them into to your website, you can place them in your website.

Language and Translation

As a standard, we can encode all lines of text as convertible into different languages. When the theme is completed, we place a .POT file that stores all of these text strings in convertible format in different languages, in the language folder of the theme. When you want to translate your website from English to a different language, you can easily translate each line to the language you want using an application such as POEDIT. The instructions needed to adapt a theme to different languages is available in our documentation.

SEO & Page Speed Optimizations

We calculate everything related to the Page Speed and SEO, which expresses the satisfaction of your website visitors, search engines and the consumption of server resources. In order to keep your site speed and SEO rates at the top, we process every detail carefully. Thanks to the theme that works seamlessly with important plugins like WordPress SEO by Yoast, you can save a lot of time and server resources. As you apply our well-prepared document to your WordPress system, you will maximize your website conversions by exceeding the 85% Page Speed rate.

Cobian Theme Features

  • One page theme & Multipage theme
  • Unlimited color options
  • 600+ Google Webfonts
  • 1400+ Font Awesome and more library icons
  • 100+ Footer Social share icons
  • 192 flat icons – also you can add your icon images
  • Visual composer – Page Builder
  • Demo data included
  • Video, image gallery, quote, audio, status post types
  • Included Price Table manager
  • Included Portfolio manager
  • Included Contactform 7
  • Widgetize footer section
  • Multilanguage – included .po / .mo files
  • Works in Mobiles, Tablets, Smart phones and Desktop Browsers
  • Image Gallery with lightbox & Embed Video Gallery
  • Blog pages with comments
  • Shortcodes with Re-usable components
  • Google Web fonts for Optimal Loading
  • Based on Latest Bootstrap 3.2.0
  • Optimized for SEO & Usability
  • Embedded Google maps to show your address
  • W3C Valid HTML5
  • Latest Browser compatibility
  • Full Documentation & Easily Customizable
  • Free support*

Blog Features

  • Vimeo post type
  • Youtube post type
  • M4V post type
  • OGV post type
  • WEBM post type
  • MP3 post type
  • OGA post type
  • Soundcloud post type
  • Image gallery post type : slider + grid

Theme options WordPress Option Tree

  • Theme logo settings
  • Theme favicon settings
  • Site meta author
  • Site meta description
  • Site meta keyword
  • 600+ Google webfont options for body element
  • 600+ Google webfont options for heading element
  • Theme color options
  • Theme general color
  • header background color
  • header menu link color
  • header submenu background color
  • header submenu link hover color
  • Breadcrumb background color
  • Breadcrumb text color
  • footer background color
  • footer text color
  • footer social background color
  • footer social icon color
  • footer button background color
  • footer button text color
  • footer button background color
  • footer button text color
  • Theme sidebar options
  • Page layout sidebar
  • Home Section Parallax backgrounds
  • Intro background option
  • Footer section options
  • Footer about heading , description , social links
  • Footer contact heading , address telephone and mail options
  • Footer newsletter heading , contact7form widget option
  • Custom css option
  • And more + 100 option on the theme with metabox / theme options

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Framework by Bootstrap.
Web fonts by Google Web Fonts.

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