Corporate Business WordPress Theme – Cleanstart


Visual Composer 5.1.x, WooCommerce 5.1.x, WooCommerce 5.0.x, WooCommerce 4.9.x, WooCommerce 4.8.x, WooCommerce 4.7.x, WooCommerce 4.6.x, WooCommerce 4.5.x, WPBakery Page Builder 6.1.x, WPBakery Page Builder 6.0.x, WPBakery Page Builder 5.7.x, WPBakery Page Builder 5.6.x, WPBakery Page Builder 5.5.x, WPML, Bootstrap 3.x

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Cleanstart is a Corporate Business WordPress Theme
, built to serve as a foundation for your web projects. Its unique design is based on fine typography and large photography with a twist of post-Flat UI approach. Cleanstart lets you build your pages and posts with a Visual Builder and a great collection of Custom Shortcodes that offer flexibility and pixel-perfect design.

Main Features & some Extras!

  • Responsive Design with unlimited Skin & Background Color combinations
  • Bootstrap 3.0 with {less} (style.less is compiled automatically!)
  • Backend Page Builder based on WPBakery Page Builder (1)
  • Custom Plethora Shortcodes and VC Row Settings
  • WooThemes Flexslider custom integration
  • WooCommerce Ready to build a simple e-shop
  • WPML Ready to create a multilingual Website
  • Before & After Image Compare Shortcode
  • Enhanced Theme Settings, based on Redux Framework
  • Feature Activation/Deactivation System. Prevent loading of components that you don’t use in your website!
  • Parallax Backgrounds & Flexible Blog presentation
  • Enhanced Header Panel with Color | Image | Video | Slider | Map backgrounds, available for all pages & posts
  • Portfolio with Grid or Masonry view and Category Filters
  • Twitter Feed, Mailchimp & Flickr Integration
  • Google Fonts & Maps Integration
  • Translation Ready
  • SEO Friendly Clean Code
  • Cross Browser Compatibility, HTML5 / CSS3 Tested by W3C Validator
  • Advanced in-Source Comments for extra developer assistance
  • Contact Form 7 Compatible
  • Full Online Documentation

(1) (25/10) The incorporation of WPBakery Page Builder to our theme was done with extended customization in order to fit our design’s special layout needs. Just a few of its general features & shortcodes are incorporated and the plugin cannot be updated with new features from the plugin author. It will be updated only through Cleanstart Updates. Front-end builder is not included.


v2.1.0 [15/03/2021]

- UPDATE: WPBakery Page Builder to ver. 6.6.0
- UPDATE: Plethora Framework to ver. 1.3.1
- IMPROVEMENT/FIX: Eliminated WP_Query array_map PHP warning
- FIX: Images & slider issues when displayed on the Head Panel element
- FIX: Fatal error during update occurring occasionally before installing Plethora Framework version 1.3.0
- FIX: Micro styling micro fixes on admin option views

v2.0.0 [25/11/2020]

- UPDATE: WPBakery Page Builder to ver. 6.4.2
- UPDATE: Plethora Framework to ver. 1.3.0
- IMPROVEMENT/FIX: Redux Framework to 4.1.15 ( solving lots of micro issues with fields in WP 5.5 installations )
- IMPROVEMENT: WP LESS improvements, speeding up the stylesheet compiling and frontend performance

v1.6.6 [05/05/2020]

- UPDATE: WPBakery Page Builder ( formerly Visual Composer ) to ver 6.2
- UPDATE: Several JS improvements
- FIX: default values for Gallery Grid shortcode are applied correctly.

v1.6.5 [17/03/2020]

- IMPROVEMENT: Added order options for category filters in Posts / Portfolio Grid shortcodes
- FIX: JS fix causing problems to mobile menu

v1.6.4 [10/02/2020]

- UPDATE: WPBakery Page Builder ( formerly Visual Composer ) to ver 6.1
- UPDATE: Plethora Framework to 1.2.8 ver.
- FIX: minor PHP 7.3 issue occurring on initial Plethora Framework plugin activation

v1.6.3 [03/12/2019]

- IMPROVEMENT: Footer copyright & credit values accept shortcodes
- IMPROVEMENT: Widgets registration according to latest WP documentation guidelines
- FIX: JS fix that caused FAQ toggle event issues

v1.6.2 [06/08/2019]

- FIX: JS fix that caused slider display issues

v1.6.1 [26/07/2019]

- UPDATE: WPBakery Page Builder ( formerly Visual Composer ) to ver 6.0.5

v1.6.0 [08/07/2019]

- UPDATE: Visual Composer to ver 6.0.3
- UPDATE: pot file updated
- UPDATE: Video.js library to latest 7.6 version
- IMPROVEMENT: description texts for several shortcode fields, indicating accurately what type of HTML tags can be entered
- FIX: Issue with media panel video autoplay after latest browser restrictions. Muted videos can use the autoplay feature now.
- DEPRECATED: Media panel video background dropped support for all formats except MP4
- DEPRECATED: Removed Google Plus references from several features

v1.5.9 [05/03/2019]

- UPDATE: Visual Composer to ver 5.7

v1.5.8 [11/02/2019]

- UPDATE: Visual Composer to ver 5.6

v1.5.7 [04/07/2018]

- UPDATE: Visual Composer to ver 5.5.2
- UPDATE: Added consent checkbox for the new comment form

v1.5.6.1 [06/03/2018]

- FIX: Fixed shortcode malfunction due to child extensions. This mostly affected the Features Teaser shortcode.

v1.5.6 [05/03/2018]

- FIX: Added the correct child theme version in TF package ( please don't use the child theme contained in 1.5.5 version! )
- FIX: Fixed display issue with 'Call To Action' VC element button dropdown ( show/hide ).
- FIX: Fixed PHP Warning in Feature Teaser shortcode [count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable].
- FIX: Fixed TGM sprintf() PHP Warning [Too few arguments].
- FIX: Menu items are now being imported correctly

v1.5.5 [21/12/2017]

- UPDATE: Visual Composer to 5.4.5 ver.
- UPDATE: Plethora Framework to 1.2.7 ver.
- UPDATE: Enabled some theme deactivated VC elements
- FIX: Fixed bug with Team Members shortcode.

v1.5.4 [31/08/2017]

- BUG: Fix for Woo Products Grid shortcode.

v1.5.3 [29/08/2017]

- IMPROVEMENT: Plethora Framework to 1.2.6 version
- IMPROVEMENT: Visual Composer to 5.2.1 version
- BUG: select2.js between WooCommerce and Redux
- BUG: Several micro fixes

v1.5.2 [01/03/2017]

- UPDATE: Visual Composer to 5.0.1 version
- FIX: Several micro fixes

v1.5.1 [6/11/2016]

- UPDATE: Visual Composer to 4.12.1 version
- FIX: WooCommerce product shortcodes working normally
- FIX: Newsletter shortcode notice
- FIX: About Us widget notice

v1.5.0 [10/07/2016]

- UPDATE: Visual Composer to 4.12 version
- UPDATE: Updated TGM class to 2.61 version 
- UPDATE: Added Google Maps API key field in theme options to meet latest Google Map API policy changes.

v1.4.9 [28/04/2016]

- UPDATE: Visual Composer to version

v1.4.8 [15/04/2016]

- UPDATE: Compatibility with WP 4.5
- UPDATE: Visual Composer to 4.11.2 version Contains fix for WP 4.5 issue.
- FIX: Other microfixes

v1.4.7 [15/10/2015]

- FIX: Call To Action shortcode issue on page update
- FIX: Features Teaser shortcode issue on page update
- FIX: Contact Card shortcode issue on page update
- FIX: Horizontal Teaser shortcode issue on page update
- FIX: Mailchimp Newsletter shortcode issue on page update

v1.4.6 [06/10/2015]

- UPDATED: VC update to the latest version
- UPDATED: Updated Flickr widget working normally under SSL

v1.4.5 [24/08/2015]

- UPDATED: improved Widget classes according to latest WP 4.3 changes...avoided annoying notices!

v1.4.4 [25/06/2015]

- UPDATED: VC update to the latest version ( includes update of prettyPhoto to 3.1.6 - latest stable and secure version )
- FIX: Hiding Flexslider arrows when less than 2 items are placed
- FIX: Other microfixes

v1.4.3 [07/05/2015]

- NEW: Row/Column customizations for VC can be disabled using a theme settings switch. Necessary when working with VC plugins that affect VC row/column display, i.e."Ultimate Add-ons for Visual Composer" 
- FIX: PO/MO translation for administration strings works fine [ reported on #1517 ]
- FIX: Head panel issues for large touch devices [ reported on #1482 ]
- FIX: Snazzy maps fix
- UPDATED: Visual Composer updated to 4.5.1 ( fixing the buttons link issue )
- UPDATED: WPML config file updated values and configuration

v1.4.2 [06/04/2015]

- UPDATED: Additional Google Maps functionality ( TERRAIN/HYBRID, custom marker icons, etc. )
- FIX: Team Grid shortcode hover image disable working fine now ( #1333 )
- FIX: Body text color is working flawlessly
- FIX: Portfolio thumbnail selector issue ( #1368 )
- FIX: Portfolio grid masonry issue ( #1440 )
- FIX: Title attribute field is displayed in front-end main menu ( #1480 )

v1.4.1 [17/02/2015]

- NEW: Revolution Slider plugin support ( still in beta, plugin not included in theme package )
- NEW: "Latest Products" widget for WooCommerce
- NEW: "System info" dashboard widget, for better customer support experience
- NEW: Theme settings for body text font size and headings/button texts transformation
- UPDATED: LESS compiling functionality improved.
- UPDATED: 1.4 loading performance issues improved dramatically [ reported on #1297/ #1302 ]
- UPDATED: use of original image sizes on head panel & gallery grid shortcode lightboxes
- UPDATED: new 'Alternative' button style
- UPDATED: switch to select between featured image / slideshow display for portfolio
- FIX: Removed logo size & logo container padding options from metaboxes
- FIX: Slider selection fields return active language sliders ( ticket #1215 )
- FIX: Favicons are displayed normally ( ticket #1262 )
- FIX: Scrolling/blank space issue on Apple devices when trackpad used ( ticket #1258 )
- FIX: WooCommerce / Order dropdown field display is working normally
- MISC: Removed non used option from blog metabox

v1.4 [19/01/2015] “WooCommerce Ready”

- NEW: WooCommerce Support
- Page Builder management for 13 WooCommerce included shortcodes
- NEW: Products Grid Shortcode
- NEW: Development / Production mode switch
- NEW: Mailchimp Newsletter Shortcode now includes optional name and surname input fields
- UPDATED: "Show All" button options for Posts/Portfolio Grid
- UPDATED: Removed Blog options from Theme Settings panel. Blog options can be edited directly on blog page edit screen
- FIX: Widget areas on footer can display properly more than one widget
- FIX: Custom text fields for Top Toolbar / Copyright / Credits accept HTML
- FIX: Minor fix in About Us widget
- FIX: Styling inconsistencies for the menu and some buttons

v1.3.1 [30/12/2014]

- FIXED: Visual Composer's drag & drop issue on WP 4.1 installations

v1.3 [3/12/2014] “WPML Ready”

- NEW: Official WPML Ready
- NEW: Global Text & Link Color settings
- NEW: Skin-colored Section Link Color setting
- NEW: Header & Footer Color settings
- NEW: Sticky Header Transparency setting
- NEW: Footer Display Switches
- NEW: Text helper shortcodes ( accordions, tabs, toggles )
- UPDATED: Added per-slide linking for sliders
- UPDATED: Added prettyphoto functionality to single image shortcode
- FIXED: iPad Portrait after footer padding
- FIXED: Not jumping to top every time you hit a menu item that has sub-menu
- FIXED: Viewport animation issue

v1.2 [08/11/2014] “OnePager”

- NEW: One Page feature with smooth scrolling for creating one-page sites.
- NEW: "Posts Grid" shortcode.
- UPDATED: Added FontAwesome icon selector on Features Teaser Page Builder shortcode element.
- UPDATED: Class loading procedure allows easier override for child theme development
- UPDATED: Head Panel with Video now support .webm, .mp4 and .ogg. The Video sound switch is now operable. 
- UPDATED: Single posts can now display Author's Bio text.
- UPDATED: Added "Inverted" button styling on "Button" shortcode.
- UPDATED: converted dropdown into text field for maximum results in "Portfolio Grid" shortcode
- UPDATED: Text Rotator effect now uses a minified .js file for faster page loading speeds. 
- UPDATED: Minified version of main theme JS file: cleanstart_theme.min.js. ]
- UPDATED: Updated FontAwesome to 4.2.0.
- FIXED: Horizontal Teaser now includes instructions on how to properly embed your YouTube video link.
- FIXED: Email field on Team Member custom post type now displays the address correctly.
- FIXED: Features Teasers shortcode: Title and Subtitle fields are not being displayed if no values are supplied.
- FIXED: The Activated Navigation Buttons switch in the Portfolio Item page options is now operable.
- FIXED: Visual Composer Google+ Share button is now operable.
- FIXED: User-defined CSS class for page builder inner row is working
- EXPERIMENTAL: Plug & Play functionality for child theme users
- REMOVED: Envato Toolkit plugin support

v1.1 [24/10/2014]

- NEW: Latest Portfolio Widget.
- ADDED: Support for extra CSS classes and IDs for Visual Composer rows.
- ADDED: A link for quickly and easily finding long and lat values for Google Maps.
- ADDED: Social links now have a default target="_blank" attribute set.
- ADDED: The gallery on each Portfolio Item page, is now optional. 
- ADDED: Extra social icons on Contact Us widget. 
- ADDED: Switcher for Portfolio info box on Portfolio Post page.
- FIXED: Issues with PHP versions 5.2.x ( T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM ).
- FIXED: Proper loading of favicon ICO file. 
- FIXED: Contact us widget form mailto: field linking. 
- FIXED: All footer Custom Menu widgets are dark-colored.
- FIXED: Related portfolio items no longer display the same image.
- FIXED: Parallax effect on Call to Action shortcode is now being displayed properly. 
- FIXED: Footer was hidden on some Touch Devices while on landscape mode.
- FIXED: Footer Copyright/Credits fields accept HTML tags without problems.
- FIXED: Show Alt image attribute on Feature Teaser Shortcode.
- FIXED: Team Members were not showing more than 5 (default) member cards. 
- FIXED: Team Members properly displaying order. Image hover effect is now optional.
- FIXED: Problem with Title/Subtitle behavior on Portfolio pages.
- REMOVED: Unnecessary markup when no images are displayed on the Portfolio Item pages.
- REMOVED: Preview buttons for Slider and Person custom post types.
- REMOVED: Language switcher option ( it was not ready yet )

v1.0 [30/09/2014]

Main Menu