Omni | One Page App WordPress Theme
Visual Composer 5.1.x, WooCommerce 5.1.x, WooCommerce 5.0.x, WooCommerce 4.9.x, WPBakery Page Builder 6.1.x, WPBakery Page Builder 6.0.x, WPML
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Main theme features:
Omni is a one page creative, clean and modern wordpress theme. This theme is fully responsive and easily customizable.
Perfectly suits for applications, devices, software, development, promo companies and for landing pages as well. You will find many uses for this theme.
Version 1.6 - [Improve] now theme compatible with PHP 7.4 - [Improve] theme plugins updated to the latest versions - [Improve] Fix theme check issues - [Improve] WordPress 5.4 support - [Improve] Small CSS Fixes Version 1.5.2., July 19, 2016 -Javascripts improvements- -Appearance improvements- -Small styling fixes- Version 1.5.1, July 14, 2016 -Fixed Retina logotype option- Version 1.5., July 12, 2016 -Updated theme bundled plugins- -Added Captcha and Antispam question feature for Contact form- -Updated main theme fonts for support of special symbols- -Added styles for author page- -Improved navigation in Testimonials slider- -Improved menu anchor links- -Added strings from Gallery page to translation files- -Added Google Map API- -Fixed tabs behavior on click- -Updated translation files- -Added compatibility with Woocommerce- -Added options for 404 page- -Fixed video poster option in row settings- -Fixed Next Page link on blog pages- -Added URL option for Sliding Box Image module- -Fixed behavior of image in Recent Posts module on click- -Added animation transition options in Phone Slider module- Version 1.4., May 2, 2016 -Updated theme plugins- -Added scroll to link function to the anchor links in buttons and navigation menu- -Fixed Back button on single post pages- -Fixed tabs display on IE11- -Added highlight of the current menu item- -Small styling fixes- -Updated translation files- Version 1.3., March 26, 2016 -Fixed Frontend editor in Visual Composer- -Added styles for third-level menu- -Updated localization files- -Updated plugins to latest versions- Version 1.2.8., February 29, 2016 -Fixed small responsive issues- -Improved performance on IE11 and mobile devices- -Added styles for WPML language switcher- -Fixed bug in Poster slider element- -Fixed Contact form- Version 1.2.5., January 12, 2016 -Added search option to header section of the theme- -Added custom link field for Team Member block- -Small bug fixes- Version 1.2., January 8, 2016 -Added option to change footer text and heading color- -Improved elements animations- -New option for Image Carousel module to center image if there is only one slider- -Small fixes in Categories widget- -Added option for Preloader allowing to select alternative image instead of the site logo- -Added option to Coming Soon template to disable subscribe form- -Added Font Size option to the Text Block element- Version 1.1., December 14, 2015 - Added option to disable preloader; - Added option to disable animation on mobile devices; - Fixed small loading issues. - Added auto update option. - Fixed swiper image size detection