Thomas | Lawyer & Attorney WordPress Theme
Visual Composer 5.1.x, Visual Composer 4.12.x, Visual Composer 4.11.x, WooCommerce 3.4.x, WooCommerce 3.3.x, WooCommerce 3.2.x, WPBakery Page Builder 5.5.x, WPBakery Page Builder 5.4.x, WPBakery Page Builder 5.3, WPBakery Page Builder 5.2.x, WPBakery Page Builder 5.1.x, WPML, Bootstrap 3.x
Click here to view the Change log
About us
Lawyer is our newest, ultra modern, light and neat WordPress Theme for law companies or individual attorneys and lawyers. The theme features Visual Page Builder – a perfect tool to create your own unique pages for your personal webspace.
In technical terms, this template is powered by Twitter Bootstrap v3 and has a perfectly commented and formatted code. The template is going to be super easy-to-customize. It’s going to impress you with its high functionality, plus, this template features all necessary pages needed to create the most effective web site. The services page will help you tell people what you do, the blog and the gallery page will add up to the description of your services and help you represent your company in the best way possible. The WordPress Theme comes in light and dark versions, as well as boxed and wide layout variations. Features fonts from Google Font library, and FontAwesome icons.
Don’t hesitate about getting this template, because it’s probably going to be the best solution for creating highly functional and effective web site. Get it and see it for yourself!
In case anything goes wrong our support team is ready to back you up!
Use VC to create your own unique pages!
Theme Features
- Responsive – This theme is responsive to give a perfect user experience on all devices
- Boxed or fullwidth layout – This can be set globally or even per page!
- Built on Twitter Bootstrap – Pro Business uses Twitter Bootstrap. This means that a range of shortcodes are automatically supported. For ease of use you can use the Visual Composer, Easy Bootstrap Shortcode or any other plugin to easily add visuals to your website.
- Slider Revolution plugin included – This theme includes the Slider Revolution plugin, saving you $19
- Visual Composer plugin included – This theme includes the Visual Composer plugin, saving you $30
- Essential Grid plugin included – This theme includes the Essential Grid plugin, saving you $20
- Contact Form 7 plugin support – This theme includes styling for the Contact Form 7 plugin!
- Translation Ready – With added support for the WPML plugin
- Built with Less .css
- Parallax Image and Video Scrolling Sections
- Shortcode Support
- Demo content included!
- Unlimited Color Options
- Source Psd Files
- Moveable & Unlimited Sidebars – Move the sidebar to the left, the right, or hide it entirely for a fullwidth page or post! (global or page/post specific)
- Designed with HTML5 and CSS3
- Customizable Design & Code
- Unlimited Portfolio Layouts
- Unlimited Blog Layouts
- All installed Extensions are included
- Cross Browser Support
- Video Tutorials
- Detailed Documentation Included
- Full Support
- + many more features
- More features coming soon
Credits ans Sources
As we mentioned earlier, we used Twitter Bootstrap v3 as CSS framework and HTML5 Boilerplate for this template.
- – Google WebFonts
- – Social Icons Font
- – Font Awesome
- – teaser rt-icons font
Theme Scripts
- modernizr-2.6.2.min.js detecting browsers features.
- jquery-2.2.4.min.js is a popular JavaScript library.
- bootstrap.min.js is a stantard Twitter Bootstrap library.
- respond.min.js is required for Twitter Bootstrap v3 work in older browsers.
- html5shiv.min.js adds HTML5 compatibility for older browsers.
- superfish.js is a script that enables dropdown menu.
- hoverIntent.js is a component for superfish menu.
- jquery.flexslider-min.js is a jQuery plugin for main and bottom sliders.
- jquery.isotope.min.js is a jQuery plugin for filtrable gallery.
- jquery.prettyPhoto.js is a jQuery plugin for displaying lightbox content.
- jquery.ui.totop.js is a jQuery plugin for toTop button.
- jquery.easing.1.3.js is a jQuery plugin for different types of animation
- jquery.scrollTo-min.js and jquery.localscroll-min.js needed for smooth single page navigation.
- jquery.easypiechart.min.js is a jQuery plugin that uses the canvas element to render simple pie charts for single values.
- jquery.jflickrfeed.min.js plugin makes it easy to pull Flickr feeds and display them on your site.
- jquery.tweet.min.js plugin enables twitter widget on your site.
- owl.carousel.min.js is a jQuery carousel plugin for “partners” section
- jquery.bxslider.min.js is a jQuery slider plugin
- jquery.nicescroll.min.js is a plugin used to replace browsers standard scroll bar
- jquery.fractionslider.min.js is a great slider plugin for main slider
- jquery.parallax-1.1.3.js is used for parallax backgrounds.
- jquery.appear.js is used to find out if HTML element is inside browser viewport
- jquery.countTo.js is used for teasers with counter
- jquery.cookie.js is used for store cookies information in template
Checkout the Popular WordPress Theme
Changes log and Update
Version 1.3.1 StarPath (24 May, 2021)
Fixed some minor bugs Improved styles
Version 1.3 StarPath (12 Jan, 2021)
Update woocommerce out date Fixed some minor bugs Rev Slider 6.3.x Visual Composer 6.5.x
Version 1.2.1 StarPath (28 May, 2019)
Update woocommerce out date Fixed some minor bugs Update font-awesome 4.7.0
Version 1.2 StarPath (29 Mar, 2019)
Update woocommerce out date Support Gutenburg Fixed some minor bugs Improved styles Update install demo data
Version 1.1 StarPath (12 Dec, 2018)
Compatible WP 5.0 Update Rev Slider 5.4.8 Update Visual Composer 5.6 Compatible with WooCommerce 3.5 Fixed some minor bugs Improved styles
------------ [Nov-03-2016] ------------ #! 1.0.1 Update Sample data files
------------ [Nov-02-2016] ------------ #! Initial Release
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NOTE: The images used in the template are not included in the main download file, they are only for the preview purpose.