WordPress Social Login (Discord, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn)
Actieve installaties: 30.000+
WordPress Social Login Plugin allows social login, social share & commenting using widely used apps like Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Apple, Discord, Twitch, Line, Wechat, 40 other apps available. Instead of requiring your visitors to waste time filling out the typical registration form, it allows them to register/login to your website using their social media profiles.
Integrations with popular plugins like WooCommerce, BuddyPress, MailChimp, Paid Memberships Pro, Ultimate Member, and applications like Discord & Hubspot.
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Social Login allows your visitors to login, register, share, and comment with many Social Media applications.
We provide different display options with beautiful login button customizations for free! No CSS knowledge is needed!
Free Social Login Features
- Social Login with Facebook, Google, Discord, Twitter, Vkontakte, LinkedIn, Amazon, Windows Live, Salesforce & Yahoo,etc.
- One-click activation for Login with Google, Amazon, Vkontakte, LinkedIn, Windows Live (Microsoft login), Yahoo, Salesforce, Snapchat and Dribbble.
- Flexible display – Display Social login icons anywhere on your websites.
- Sync user data – Sync user data from multiple social network providers like Facebook, Google, Microsoft into one social login account.
- Secure Login – Login with safe and secure authorization and authentication protocols like OAuth and OpenID.
- Customizable social login icons – Choose from multiple themes and shapes. Pick any size and color!
- User Redirection – Redirect users to pages you desire after any user logs in or logs out. Custom login redirect URL and custom logout redirect URL.
- Assign user roles – Assign WordPress roles to users on registration through social login.
- Shortcodes – Use Shortcode anywhere on your website to display social login icons.
- Take full control – Setup your social login applications with APP ID and APP Secret for Facebook, Google, Twitter, Vkontakte, LinkedIn, Instagram, Amazon, Windows Live & Yahoo.
- Preview – Preview custom social login icons before you publish them on your website.
- Profile completion (username, email) – Prompt users for email-id & username if social login app doesn’t return it. Verify Emails using verification code.
- Email Notifications – Emails are sent to admin when a user registers with any social login application.
- Enable/disable user registration – Allow or restrict user registration using social login.
- Social Share – Social share with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, etc.
- Social Comments
- Customizable Text For Social Login Icons.
- Display Social login icons on WooCommerce Login Page.
- 24 / Support – Using email and in-plugin support form.
Social Login Providers
- Facebook login
- Google login
- Twitter login
- LinkedIn login
- Amazon login
- Vkontakte login (вконтакте логин)
- Apple login
- Discord login
- Windows Live login (Microsoft Login)
- HubSpot login
- Yahoo login
- WordPress login
- Dribbble login
- Disqus login
- Flickr login
- Foursquare login
- Github login
- Instagram login
- Kakao login (카카오 로그인)
- Line login (ラインログイン)(線路登錄)(线路登录)(เข้าสู่ระบบไลน์)
- Livejournal login
- Mail.ru login (mailru логин)
- Meetup login
- Naver login (네이버 로그인)
- Odnoklassniki login
- Paypal login
- Pinterest login
- Reddit login
- Salesforce login
- Snapchat login
- Spotify login
- Stackexchange login
- Steam login
- Teamsnap login
- Tumblr login
- Twitch login
- Vimeo login
- Wechat login (微信登錄)(微信登录)
- Weibo login (微博登錄)(微博登录)
- Yandex login (яндекс логин)
Free Social Share & Social Comments Features
- Share with social applications – Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Reddit, Vkontakte, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, LinkedIn, Pocket, Digg, Email, Print, and Whatsapp
- Facebook Comments – Allow social login users to comment using Facebook.
- Disqus Comments – Allow social login users to comment using Disqus.
- Shortcodes – Add social share icons on the homepage, posts, feeds, content pages, WooCommerce product pages, etc., or anywhere else on your site.
- Customize icons – Customize shape, theme, space & size of the social share icons.
- Preview – Preview the Social Share icons before publishing them to the website.
- Horizontal social share widget.
- Floating vertical social share widget.
- 24 / 7 Support – Using email and in-plugin support form.
Why miniOrange Social Login
- 13 Free Social Login apps – Login with popular social network providers namely Facebook, Google, Discord, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Vkontakte, Windows Live, Amazon, Salesforce, Yahoo, Snapchat and Dribbble all available in the free plan.
- No Setup required – Simply register with us and use our pre-configured application. We will handle everything for you.
- 24 / 7 Support – If you face any issues or if you simply require assistance with the Social Login plugin then please contact us. Whatever it may be we will solve the issue for you and get everything working as soon as possible.
- Tons of Free Features – We have a huge roster of free features. With other plugins, you will have to pay for these features.
- Icon Customizations – Flexible icon customizations for Social Login and Social Share icons. No CSS knowledge is needed! Choose from different themes, shapes, and sizes. Pick any color you want to display the social icons.
- Social Share – Social share available with all the widely used applications. Users can share anything using Facebook social share, Twitter social share, etc.
- Social Comments – Social comments allow users to post their comments with their social media accounts.
- Easy Integration – Social Login is the easiest to configure and conveniently allows you to set up and start using the plugin in seconds. Easy integration with your website with options to add Social login on the login page, registration page, and comments section.
Social Share Providers
- Facebook Social Share
- Twitter Social Share
- LinkedIn Social Share
- Reddit Social Share
- Pinterest Social Share
- Google Social Share
- Vkontakte Social Share
- Whatsapp Social Share
- Tumblr Social Share
- StumbleUpon Social Share
- Pocket Social Share
- Digg Social Share
- Social Share with Email
- Social Share with Print
Popular Social Login Pro Integrations
- With Popular Plugins –
- WooCommerce social login integration
- BuddyPress social login integration
- Paid Memberships Pro social login integration
- MailChimp social login integration
- MemberPress display options
- Ultimate Member display options
- With Applications –
- Discord social login integration
- Hubspot social login integration
Paid Social Login Features
- 40+ Social Login Providers – Choose from 40+ applications (Facebook Login, Google Login, Discord Login etc.) for social login and user registration. Many social network providers added continuously.
- One-click activation – For Login with Discord, Apple, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Vkontakte, LinkedIn, Windows Live (Microsoft login), WordPress, Yahoo and Salesforce.
- Social login Integrations – Social integrations with popular WordPress plugins like WooCommerce, Paid Memberships Pro, BuddyPress, MailChimp and HubSpot.
- Social Login Integrations – Social login icons on WooCommerce pages, BuddyPress pages, Paid Memberships Pro pages, MemberPress pages, Ultimate Member pages.
- GDPR Compliance.
- Domain Restriction – Authorize select users by allowing or restricting users signing in or registering from specific domains e.g. ‘facebook.com’ or ‘gmail.com’.
- Email Notifications – Email sent to user/multiple admins when a user registers with any social login application.
- Recaptcha – Enable Recaptcha and ensure the safety of your website.
- User Moderation – Approve users registering through social login.
- Sync user data – Sync user data from multiple social network providers like Facebook, Google, Microsoft into one social login account.
- User Redirection – Redirect users on registration, login, and logout to pages you desire. Custom registration redirect URL, Custom login redirect URL, and custom logout redirect URL.
- Assign user roles – Assign WordPress roles to users on registration through social login.
- Use Shortcode anywhere on your website to display social login icons.
- Take full control – Setup your social login application with APP ID and APP Secret for Facebook, Google, Twitter, Vkontakte, LinkedIn, Instagram, Amazon, Windows Live & Yahoo.
- Preview custom social login icons.
- Profile completion (username, email) – Prompt users for email-id & username if social login app doesn’t return it. Verify Emails using verification code.
- User Control – Enable/disable user registration through social login.
- Customizable Text For Social Login Icons.
- Display Social login icons on WooCommerce Login Page.
- 24 / Support using email and in-plugin support form.
= WooCommerce Social Login Features [Premium]=
* WooCommerce Integration – Auto-fill first name, last name and email are pre-filled in billing details of a user and on the Woocommerce checkout page.
* Woocommerce Display Options – Display social login icons on WooCommerce login, Woocommerce registration, and Woocommerce checkout pages.
= BuddyPress Social Login Features [Premium]=
* BuddyPress Integration – Sync profile picture from social application to BuddyPress avatar. Sync user social profile to BuddyPress custom fields.
* BuddyPress Display Options – Display social login icons on the BuddyPress registration form and BuddyPress account details pages.
= Paid Memberships Pro [Premium]=
* Paid Memberships Pro – Assign Selected Paid membership level at the time of registration using social.
* Paid Memberships Pro Display Options – Display social login icons on Paid Memberships Pro checkout pages.
= Ultimate Member – Social Login Features [Premium]=
* Ultimate Member Display Options – Display social login icons on Ultimate Member login and Ultimate Member registration pages.
= MemberPress – Social Login Features [Premium]=
* MemberPress Display Options – Display social login icons on MemberPress login, MemberPress account, and MemberPress checkout pages.
= BuddyBoss Social Login Features [Premium]=
* BuddyBoss Integration – Sync profile picture from social application to BuddyBoss avatar. Sync user social profile to BuddyBoss custom fields.
* BuddyBoss Display Options – Display social login icons on BuddyBoss registration form and BuddyBoss account details pages.
Single sign-on
Single Sign-On using Social Login creates a single authentication system for multiple web properties allowing users to navigate websites with a single account.
Contact Us
Don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Send an email to info@miniorange.com if you need absolutely anything.
To know more about Social Login you can visit our website at https://plugins.miniorange.com/social-login-social-sharing.
Check out our website for other plugins https://www.miniorange.com/plugins or click here to see all our listed WordPress plugins.
For more support or info email us at info@miniorange.com or Contact us. You can also submit your query from the plugin’s configuration page.