This plug-in helps with a variety of common accessibility problems in WordPress themes. While most accessibility issues canāt be addressed without directly changing your theme, WP Accessibility adds a number of helpful accessibility features with a minimum amount of setup or expert knowledge.
WP Accessibility is niet bedoeld om je site compatibel te maken met toegankelijkheidsrichtlijnen.
All features can be disabled according to your themeās needs. For advanced users, all of the functions based on modifying stylesheets can be customized using your own custom styles by placing the appropriate stylesheet in your theme directory.
Theme Accessibility Features added by WP Accessibility
Dit zijn kenmerken die wijzen op problemen veroorzaakt door ontoegankelijke themaās.
- Add skip links with user-defined targets. (Customizable targets and appearance.)
- Add language and text direction attributes to your HTML attribute if missing.
- Add an outline to the keyboard focus state for focusable elements.
- Add a long description to images. Use the imageās āDescriptionā field to add long descriptions.
- Enforcement for alt attributes on images in the Classic editor.
- Identify images without alt attributes in the Media Library
- Voeg labels toe aan standaard formuliervelden van WordPress (zoeken, reacties).
- Voeg bericht-titels toe aan ālees meerā links.
- Verwijder tabindex uit elementen die focusbaar zijn. (Verhelpt ook problemen veroorzaakt voor plugins.)
WordPress Core Accessibility Issues fixed by WP Accessibility
Dit zijn kenmerken die op problemen wijzen, die worden veroorzaakt door huidige of eerdere toegankelijkheidsproblemen van WordPress. (Problemen die aan inhoud worden toegevoegd blijven bestaan. zelfs als WordPress wordt bijgewerkt. Zoals target- of title-attributen)
- Force a search page error when a search is made with an empty text string. (If your theme has a search.php template.)
- Remove redundant title attributes from tag clouds.
Content specific fixes:
- Strip title attributes from images inserted into content.
- Remove the target attribute from links.
Accessibility Tools in WP Accessibility:
Dit zijn tools waarmee je problemen kunt identificeren die je mogelijk moet oplossen.
- Toon het contrastverschil tussen twee ingevoerde hexadecimale kleurwaardes.
- Enable diagnostic CSS to show CSS-detectable problems in visual editor or on front-end of site.
Learn more! Read about the accessibility issues corrected by WP Accessibility!
The plug-in is intended to help with deficiencies commonly found in themes and to solve some issues in WordPress core. It canāt correct every problem (by a long shot), but provides tools to fix some issues, supplement the accessibility of your site, or identify problems.