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Want to replace the old ← Older posts | Newer posts → links with some page links?

Deze plugin geeft ondersteuning voor de wp_pagenavi() template tag, deze genereert mooie paginering links.


In je thema moet je het aanroepen van de next_posts_link() en de previous_posts_link() vinden en vervangen.

In het Twentyten thema, zie het er zo uit:

Je vervangt die twee regels met dit:

For multipart pages, you would look for code like this:

en vervang het met dit:

 'multipart' ) ); ?>

Go to WP-Admin -> Settings -> PageNavi for configuration.

Changing the CSS

If you need to configure the CSS style of WP-PageNavi, you can copy the pagenavi-css.css file from the plugin directory to your theme’s directory and make your modifications there. This way, you won’t lose your changes when you update the plugin.

Alternatively, you can uncheck the “Use pagenavi.css?” option from the settings page and add the styles to your theme’s style.css file directly.

Changing Class Names

Er zijn filters die kunnen worden gebruikt om de standaard klasse namen te veranderen die gekoppeld zijn aan de navigatie elementen.


  • wp_pagenavi_class_pages
  • wp_pagenavi_class_first
  • wp_pagenavi_class_previouspostslink
  • wp_pagenavi_class_extend
  • wp_pagenavi_class_smaller
  • wp_pagenavi_class_page
  • wp_pagenavi_class_current
  • wp_pagenavi_class_larger
  • wp_pagenavi_class_nextpostslink
  • wp_pagenavi_class_last

Filter Usage

// Simple Usage - 1 callback per filter
add_filter('wp_pagenavi_class_previouspostslink', 'theme_pagination_previouspostslink_class');
add_filter('wp_pagenavi_class_nextpostslink', 'theme_pagination_nextpostslink_class');
add_filter('wp_pagenavi_class_page', 'theme_pagination_page_class');

function theme_pagination_previouspostslink_class($class_name) {
  return 'pagination__control-link pagination__control-link--previous';

function theme_pagination_nextpostslink_class($class_name) {
  return 'pagination__control-link pagination__control-link--next';

function theme_pagination_page_class($class_name) {
  return 'pagination__current-page';

// More Concise Usage - 1 callback for all filters
add_filter('wp_pagenavi_class_previouspostslink', 'theme_pagination_class');
add_filter('wp_pagenavi_class_nextpostslink', 'theme_pagination_class');
add_filter('wp_pagenavi_class_page', 'theme_pagination_class');

function theme_pagination_class($class_name) {
  switch($class_name) {
    case 'previouspostslink':
      $class_name = 'pagination__control-link pagination__control-link--previous';
    case 'nextpostslink':
      $class_name = 'pagination__control-link pagination__control-link--next';
    case 'page':
      $class_name = 'pagination__current'
  return $class_name;

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I spent most of my free time creating, updating, maintaining and supporting these plugins, if you really love my plugins and could spare me a couple of bucks, I will really appreciate it. If not feel free to use it without any obligations.

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