All In One WP Security & Firewall

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WordPress is een erg veilig platvorm van zichzelf. Echter het helpt om extra veiligheid en firewall toe te voegen aan uw site, door gebruik te maken van een veiligheid plugin welke een hoop goede beveiligingspraktijken afdwingt.

De All in One WordPress Security plugin zal uw website beveiliging naar een heel nieuw niveau brengen.

Deze plug-in is ontworpen en geschreven door experts en is gemakkelijk te gebruiken en te begrijpen.

Het vermindert het beveiligingsrisico door te controleren op kwetsbaarheden en door de nieuwste aanbevolen beveiligingspraktijken en -technieken van WordPress te implementeren en te handhaven.

All In One WP Security also uses an unprecedented security points grading system to measure how well you are protecting your site based on the security features you have activated.

Our security and firewall rules are categorized into “basic”, “intermediate” and “advanced”. This way you can apply the firewall rules progressively without breaking your site’s functionality.

The All In One WordPress Security plugin doesn’t slow down your site and it is 100% free.

Bezoek de WordPress Security Plugin pagina voor meer details.

Hieronder vindt u een lijst met de beveiligings- en firewallfuncties die in deze plug- in worden aangeboden :

Gebruiker beveiliging

  • Detect if there is a user account which has the default “admin” username and easily change the username to a value of your choice.
  • De plug-in zal ook detecteren of u WordPress-gebruikersaccounts hebt die identieke inlog- en weergavenamen hebben. Het hebben van accounts waarvan de weergavenaam identiek is aan de aanmeldingsnaam is een slechte beveiligingspraktijk omdat

    je het voor hackers 50% gemakkelijker maakt omdat ze de inlognaam al kennen.

  • Password strength tool to allow you to create very strong passwords.
  • Stop gebruikersentelling. Dus gebruikers / bots kunnen gebruikersinformatie niet vinden via auteur permalink.

Gebruikerslogin beveiliging

  • Protect against “Brute Force Login Attack” with the Login Lockdown feature. Users with a certain IP address or range will be locked out of the system for a predetermined amount of time based on the configuration settings and you can also choose to be notified
    via email whenever somebody gets locked out due to too many login attempts.

  • As the administrator you can view a list of all locked out users which are displayed in an easily readable and navigable table which also allows you to unlock individual or bulk IP addresses at the click of a button.

  • Force logout of all users after a configurable time period
  • Monitor/View failed login attempts which show the user’s IP address, User ID/Username and Date/Time of the failed login attempt

  • Monitor/View the account activity of all user accounts on your system by keeping track of the username, IP address, login date/time, and logout date/time.

  • Ability to automatically lockout IP address ranges which attempt to login with an invalid username.
  • Ability to see a list of all the users who are currently logged into your site.
  • Allows you to specify one or more IP addresses in a special whitelist. The whitelisted IP addresses will have access to your WP login page.
  • Voeg Google reCaptcha of plain maths captcha toe aan WordPress Login-formulier.
  • Voeg Google reCaptcha of plain maths captcha toe aan het wachtwoord – wachtwoord van uw WP-login-systeem.

Gebruikersregistratie beveiliging

  • Enable manual approval of WordPress user accounts. If your site allows people to create their own accounts via the WordPress registration form, then you can minimize SPAM or bogus registrations by manually approving each registration.
  • De mogelijkheid om toe te voegen Google reCaptcha of platte wiskunde captcha om de WordPress gebruikers registratie pagina te beschermen u van registratie spam gebruiker.
  • Mogelijkheid om Honeypot toe te voegen aan het gebruikersregistratieformulier van de WordPress om registratiepogingen door robots te verminderen.

Database beveiliging

  • Easily set the default WP prefix to a value of your choice with the click of a button.
  • Schedule automatic backups and email notifications or make an instant DB backup whenever you want with one click.


  • Identify files or folders which have permission settings which are not secure and set the permissions to the recommend secure values with click of a button.
  • Beschern je PHP code door het uitschakelen van bestandsbewerking vanuit het WordPress administratie gebied.
  • Easily view and monitor all host system logs from a single menu page and stay informed of any issues or problems occurring on your server so you can address them quickly.
  • Prevent people from accessing the readme.html, license.txt and wp-config-sample.php files of your WordPress site.

htaccess en wp-config.php bestands backup en herstel

  • Easily backup your original .htaccess and wp-config.php files in case you will need to use them to restore broken functionality.
  • Modify the contents of the currently active .htaccess or wp-config.php files from the admin dashboard with only a few clicks

Blacklist functionaliteit

  • Ban users by specifying IP addresses or use a wild card to specify IP ranges.
  • Ban users by specifying user agents.

Firewall functionaliteit

This plugin allows you to easily add a lot of firewall protection to your site via htaccess file. An htaccess file is processed by your web server before any other code on your site.
So these firewall rules will stop malicious script(s) before it gets a chance to reach the WordPress code on your site.

  • Toegangscontrole faciliteit.
  • Activeer direct een selectie van firewall instellingen uiteenlopend van basis, intermediate en vooruitstrevend.
  • Actieveer de beroemde “6G Zwartelijst” Firewall regels courtesy of Perishable Press
  • Verbied plaatsing proxy reactie..
  • Blokkeer toegang tot logboekbestand voor foutopsporing
  • Trace and Track Uitzetten
  • Slechte of schadelijke querytekenreeksen weigeren.
  • Protect against Cross Site Scripting (XSS) by activating the comprehensive advanced character string filter.
    or malicious bots who do not have a special cookie in their browser. You (the site admin) will know how to set this special cookie and be able to log into your site.
  • WordPress PingBack Vulnerability Protection feature. This firewall feature allows the user to prohibit access to the xmlrpc.php file in order to protect against certain vulnerabilities in the pingback functionality. This is also helpful to block bots from constantly accessing the xmlrpc.php file and wasting your server resource.
  • Ability to block fake Googlebots from crawling your site.
  • Ability to prevent image hotlinking. Use this to prevent others from hotlinking your images.
  • Ability to log all 404 events on your site. You can also choose to automatically block IP addresses that are hitting too many 404s.
  • Ability to add custom rules to block access to various resources of your site.

Brute force login aanval bescherming

  • Instantly block Brute Force Login Attacks via our special Cookie-Based Brute Force Login Prevention feature. This firewall functionality will block all login attempts from people and bots.
  • Ability to add a simple math captcha to the WordPress login form to fight against brute force login attacks.
  • Ability to hide admin login page. Rename your WordPress login page URL so that bots and hackers cannot access your real WordPress login URL. This feature allows you to change the default login page (wp-login.php) to something you configure.
  • Ability to use Login Honeypot which will helps reduce brute force login attempts by robots.

Beveiliging scanner

  • The file change detection scanner can alert you if any files have changed in your WordPress system. You can then investigate and see if that was a legitimate change or some bad code was injected.

Comment SPAM beveiliging

  • Monitor the most active IP addresses which persistently produce the most SPAM comments and instantly block them with the click of a button.
  • Prevent comments from being submitted if it doesn’t originate from your domain (this should reduce some SPAM bot comment posting on your site).
  • Add a captcha to your wordpress comment form to add security against comment spam.
  • Blokkeer automatisch en permanent IP-adressen die een bepaald aantal opmerkingen hebben overschreden met het label SPAM.

Front-end tekst kopieerbeveiliging

  • Ability to disable the right click, text selection and copy option for your front-end.

Regelmatige updates en toevoegingen van nieuwe veiligheidseigenschappen

  • WordPress Security is something that evolves over time. We will be updating the All In One WP Security plugin with new security features (and fixes if required) on a regular basis so you can rest assured that your site will be on the cutting edge of security protection techniques.

Werkt met de meeste populaire WordPress plugins

  • It should work smoothly with most popular WordPress plugins.

Aanvullende kenmerken

  • Ability to remove the WordPress Generator Meta information from the HTML source of your site.
  • Ability to remove the WordPress Version information from the JS and CSS file includes of your site.
  • Ability to prevent people from accessing the readme.html, license.txt and wp-config-sample.php files
  • Ability to temporarily lock down the front end of your site from general visitors while you do various backend tasks (investigate security attacks, perform site upgrades, do maintenance work etc.)
  • Mogelijkheid tot het exporteren/importeren van beveiligingsinstellingen.
  • Voorkomen dat andere websites de inhoud van je site via frame of iframe tonen.

Plugin Ondersteuning

  • Als je een vraag of probleem hebt met de All in One Security plugin, plaats dan deze vraag of het probleem op het support forum dan zullen we je helpen.


  • Indien je een ontwikkelaar bent en je hebt extra hooks of filters nodig voor deze plugin laat ons dat dan weten s.v.p.
  • Github repository –


  • All In One WP Security plugin kan vertaald worden naar elke taal.

Momenteel beschikbare vertalingen:

  • Engels
  • Duits
  • Spaans
  • Frans
  • Hongaars
  • Italiaans
  • Zweeds
  • Russisch
  • Chinees
  • Portugees (Brazilië)
  • Perzisch

Bezoek de WordPress Security Plugin pagina voor meer details.


This plugin may collect IP addresses for security reasons such as mitigating brute force login threats and malicious activity.
The collected information is stored on your server. No information is transmitted to third parties or remote server locations.


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