iThemes-beveiliging (voorheen Better WP Security)
Actieve installaties: >1+ miljoen
The Best WordPress Security Plugin to Secure & Protect WordPress
On average, 30,000 websites are hacked every day. Every 39 seconds, a new cyberattack happens somewhere on the web.
The good news is that most security disasters can be prevented. Using iThemes Security, you can identify and stop attacks on your website. Saving yourself the time and cost of repairing a hacked website.
Secure your Website in Minutes
The iThemes Security setup and onboarding experience is designed to allow anyone to secure their WordPress website in under 10 minutes, without needing a degree in cybersecurity.
Knowing that you have enabled all the right security settings for your website will leave you feeling like your site has never been more secure.
Security Site Templates to Fit Your Type of Site
An eCommerce site requires a different level of security than your average blog. iTheme Security Site Templates make it quick and easy to apply the right security settings for your website.
Choose from six different site templates to apply the type of security your site needs:
1. Ecommerce – websites that sell products or services
2. Network – websites that connect people or communities
3. Non-Profit – websites that promote your cause and collect donations
4. Blog – websites that share your thoughts or start a conversation
5. Portfolio – websites that showcase your craft
6. Brochure – simple websites that promote your business
Real-Time Website Security Dashboard
Every day, lots of activity is happening on your website that you can’t see. Many of these activities can be related to your site’s security, so monitoring these events is vital to keeping your site secure.
The iThemes Security Pro plugin provides a real-time WordPress security dashboard that monitors security-related events on your site around the clock. The iThemes Security Dashboard is a dynamic dashboard with all your WordPress website’s security activity stats in one place, including brute force attacks, banned users, active lockouts, site scan results, and user security stats (Pro).
WordPress Login Security
Secure your WordPress login with several layers of security
- Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) – Make your WordPress login nearly impenetrable to attack by requiring users to enter a security code along with a password to login. The iThemes Security plugin allows you to add two-factor authentication to your WordPress login with several authentication methods, including mobile apps like Authy and Google Authenticator, email, and backup codes.
- Password Requirements – Create and enforce a password policy for your users in less than a minute.
- reCAPTCHA (Pro) – Stop bad bots from engaging in abusive activities on your website, such as attempting to break into your website using compromised passwords, posting spam, or even scraping your content.
- Passwordless Logins (Pro) – WordPress security made easy. Secure your user accounts with 2fa & strong passwords while allowing real users login with a click of a mouse.
- Trusted Devices (Pro) – Identify the devices you and other users use to block session hijacking attacks and limit Administrator privileges to Trusted Devices.
The Right Amount of Security for Every User Level
Different types of user levels require different levels of security. During the iThemes Security setup process, you can identify your website’s key user groups. Once the different types of users are identified, you can apply the level of security that is just right for each user group.
Here are a couple of examples of how User Groups are useful for securing your site:
- For Clients – Let’s say you are configuring iThemes Security on a client’s website. You will decide whether or not they are required to use two-factor authentication and if they should have access to the iThemes Security settings.
- For Customers – If you have an eCommerce website, you will decide whether or not you want to protect customer accounts with a password policy.
Privilege Escalation (Pro) also adds a safe, secure way to grant temporary admin-level access to your website.
Block Bad Bots & Ban User Agents with Lockouts
- Ban Users – Permanently block repeat offenders from accessing your site.
Local Brute Force Protection – Automatically identify and stop the most common method of attack on WordPress sites. - Network Brute Force Protection – The network is the iThemes Security community and is over a million websites strong. If someone tries to break into websites in the iThemes Security community, iThemes Security will block them across the network.
- Magic Links (Pro) – Security shouldn’t get in your way. Magic Links allow you to log in to your WordPress site while your username is locked out by the iThemes Security Local Brute Force Protection feature.
Monitor Your Site’s Security Health
- File Change Detection – iThemes Security logs changes made to your website that can help detect malicious activity on your website.
- Site Scanner (Pro) – Enable twice-daily checks for known vulnerabilities and automatically apply a patch if one is available. Using the Google Safe Browsing API, the Site Scan also checks your Google’s blocklist status and will alert you if Google has found any malware on your website.
- User Logging (Pro) – Keep a record of user activity in your WordPress security logs, including login/logout, user registration, adding/removing plugins, switching themes, changes to posts and pages, and more.
- Version Management (Pro) – The Version Management feature in iThemes Security Pro allows you to auto-update WordPress, plugins, and themes. Beyond that, Version Management also has options to harden your website when you are running outdated software and scan for old websites.
Website Security Utilities
- Enforce SSL – Force all connections to the website to be made over SSL/TLS.
- Database Backups – Create backups of your WordPress database. (Not a complete backup.)
- Geolocation (Pro) – Improve Trusted Devices by connecting to an external location or mapping API.
Advanced Security Tools
- Identify Server IPs – Prevent issues caused by inadvertently locking out your server IPs.
- Change User ID 1 – Change the user ID for the first WordPress user.
- Change Database Prefix -Change the database prefix that WordPress uses.
- Check File Permission – See the file and directory permissions of key areas of your site.
- Server Config Rules – View or flush the server security rules generated by iThemes Security.
- wp-config.php Rules – View or flush the wp-config.php security rules generated by iThemes Security.
- Change WordPress Salts – Secure your site after a successful attack by changing the WordPress salts used to secure cookies and security tokens.
- Hide Login URL – The Hide Backend setting can change the login URL of your site.
Need Help?
Gratis ondersteuning is mogelijk beschikbaar met de hulp van de community in support forums(Let op: dit is community-ondersteuning geboden iThemes niet bijhoudt in support. Forums ).
Our Help Center will help you become an iThemes Security expert.
Get added peace of mind with professional support from our expert team and pro features to take your site’s security to the next level with iThemes Security Pro.
Recover From a Hacked Site
iThemes Security makes regular backups of your WordPress database, allowing you to get back online quickly in the event of a hack or security breach. Use iThemes Security to create and email database backups on a customizable schedule.
Voor volledige site backups en de mogelijkheid om WordPress te herstellen of verplaatsen naar een nieuwe host of domein, bekijkBackupBuddy.
- Spaans door Andrew Kurtis
Laat het ons weten als je wil bijdragen aan een vertaling.
iThemes Sync integratie
Meer dan één WordPress site beheren ? Release blokkades opheffen en je thema’s , plugins en WordPress core up-to date houden vanaf één dashboard met iThemes Sync Pro.Begin met je gratis trial van Themes Sync Pro.
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