Easily Publish and Edit Bol.com Products
Choose which products you want to publish from WooCommerce to Bol.com.
Easily update your product information from price to stock amount from WooCommerce to Bol.com.
Adjust the Bol.com parameters within the WooCommerce product or in the general WooCommerce plugin settings.
Download directly
Automate your Webshop and Increase Sales
Retrieve the EAN code from a Custom Field, Attribute or the SKU within WooCommerce.
Use the default WooCommerce price or add a fixed or percentage margin.
Configure the required bol.com in the general settings of the plugin or individual WooCommerce product.
Start your free trial period now

Try our addons for this plugin
Content Connection
Do you want to sell your own brand via the bol.com marketplace? In that case you will need our bo…
Price Calculator
Calculate the perfect margin for selling your products via bol.com. Take into account the shippin…
Connect up to 5 bol.com accounts in one WooCommerce webshop and make a difference between shippin…
Why you should explore our addons
The more you automate from WooCommerce to Bol.com, to more time you will save. This means you can spend more time on running your business and increasing sales!
Take our Multi-Account addon. You can easily make a difference between shipping costs and selling price, per Bol.com account. In this way you are sure your margin will be profitable.
Literally everything will be automated with the Bol.com WooCommerce plugin and the addons. Calculating your price, updating your products and importing your orders.
Bol.com is the biggest marketplace in the Netherlands and Belgium. Selling your products also via Bol.com, means reaching over 10 million (unique) visitors each month. One of the biggest benefits of Bol.com is their pricing model. They charge you based on a CPS, in other words you only pay a commission once you sell a product via their platform.
The challenge of having a WooCommerce webshop and a Bol.com selling account is synchronizing important product and order information. Updating manually is not an option if you ask us! Therefore we have developed and maintained our Bol.com WooCommerce plugin. To make it as easy as possible for you, to run an online business with at least 2 sales channels. In this way you will safe money and time, so that you can focus on the important things: increase sales!
Additional information
Website -Bol.com integration | Ean / Order, New Product, New product -Bulk Edit |